Let’s Talk 10: Megan Cain

Megan at her plant & gift shop The ZEN SucculentIllustration by Kiara Sanders

Megan at her plant & gift shop The ZEN Succulent

Illustration by Kiara Sanders

Megan Cain is a Triangle business owner, creative director, chief maker, urban gardening small scale succulent extraordinaire, author of Modern Terrarium Studio, & mother.

We Asked Megan:

What is your favorite season and why? Spring! It’s where plants start to show their colors and nature turns green!

Which is your favorite color? Definitely green.

What do you appreciate most about your community? That we have a community full of unique people, families, neighborhoods and businesses – all leaders in their own way but also listeners.

What is your most cherished possession? That would have to be a hand-written note from my Nana that she wrote a few months before she passed unexpectedly. It was a poem she would always say, and I would always repeat a little off, so she wrote it down for me so I could remember how it would go. It’s in a frame and everything now.

What quality do you most appreciate in a friend? Thoughtfulness is always appreciated.

What is a book or movie you never grow tired of? I will always stop to watch the Color Purple – everything about it makes me feel proud or think in a different way about the relationships around me.

What is your favorite accessory? My “H” necklace which stands for “Hudson” I received for my first Mother’s Day this year.

What is your favorite indoor plant? The Jade Succulent plant. It starts small, then grows almost tree-like over years, its stems of green turning to shades of brown as it barks up and hardens with age.

Which living person is a role model to you? My Mom.

What is love? Love is the feeling I get holding my newborn son and a kiss from my Husband. Love is the feeling when the sun hits by face and my feet touch the water – and love is all the joy in between.





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