The Moon Unit

Photo courtesy of The Moon Unit (left to right): Brantley Ramseur, Kurt Stracener and Charlie Garnett.

Buckle up for a ride with The Moon Unit! This modern rock ensemble isn't just about music; they're your ticket to escape the mundane and dive headfirst into the depths of your own mind. Once you're in their orbit, there's no turning back – their electrifying improvisations will have you hooked faster than you can say "blast off!"

What is the number one most fascinating thing about the Moon?

Kurt: It’s sick that most of humanity has looked up at the same fat rock in the sky for 200,000 years

Charlie: Its effect on hanging ten

Brantley: The craters

I wish I could _____ in space.

Kurt: Do my laundry

Charlie: Bowl

Brantley: Lift an engine 

Is revolution good or bad?

Kurt: It depends on the revolewsh 

Charlie: Both

Brantley: Can’t live with it, can’t live without it

What was a recent memorable trip?

Kurt: Going to The MoMA on acid

Charlie: To the moon, I got 5 strikes in row while I was there

Brantley: Getting some meats at the butcher

If you could dare anyone to do anything, who would it be and what would you dare them to do?

Kurt: I would dare Brantley to train for years to becoming one of the fastest men to ever run in the Olympics.

Charlie: I would dare Dr Phil tryout for the Boston Celtics

Brantley: I would dare YOU to really dive deep and think about how you’re feeling today.

Go to the Moon

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