Whitney Robinson

Illustration by Kia-Patra Allen

Illustration by Kia-Patra Allen

Durham native, Whitney Robinson, has a computer science degree from Duke and an eye for style (you’ve probably bought her Freshlygiven accessories). Yet, her passion seems to be in helping people. Recently, she founded The Renée, a nonprofit that provides resources for Black mothers. We asked her:

What prompted you to be proactive about Black mothers? 

Simply put, I was puzzled by yet another disparity. The deeper I went, the more excited I was about joining other communities of Black folks in lifting Black motherhood. 

How can hospitals improve services for mothers?

Ha! I’m a lover of birth workers so take what I’m about to say with that perspective in mind. Here it goes: “Hey Hospitals, yes you, in order to improve it’s important to listen and take action. Shift your perspective on who is your stakeholder and consider your clients’ experiences paramount to your bottom line. Believe it or not, your North Star can be found in the experiences of the people. Better yet,  just hire someone who can do it better than you. I have a list for when you need it. 😊 “

What are the benefits of having a doula?

Support support support. Currently at The Renée we are hosting small cohorts to help build good support systems. I believe your support system is just one area that can make or break your experience. 

Any advice for men that work with women/moms?

Honestly, no. 

Where is home? 

I’ve been in and around Durham all my life. My grandmother lived at the end of South street for decades and was displaced a few years ago. So home carries a different tone for me these days. 


Samantha Everette


Gabriel Eng-Goetz