Pie Face Girls
Left to right: Lainey Harrison, Klay Misenheimer, Dani Hoffpauir.
Raleigh-based punks, Pie Face Girls, would like to disrupt your weekend:
Who'd you gift your latest album Chewin’ the Roots?
We did it for us… AND also in the hopes that our communities or anyone else out there that needs it, might find the same healing, power, and fun that we did creating the album.
“My rage is a gift and I can handle it. My rage is a gift and you will not forget.”
What’s your morning beauty routine?
Lainey: First things first, I gotta comb down my cow lick. Then I wash my face with #1 dermatologist recommended Cerave, and apply my expired eBay-purchased moisturizer with SPF (think it’s working), and I brush my teeth AFTER I drink my coffee.
Klay: Wake up at 7, feed my cats, lay back down for another 15 minutes, get up and rush to get ready for work and hopefully remember to take my meds. I’m just beautiful, so really no routine necessary.
Dani: As the resident high femme of the band, I have the most intensive morning beauty routine, but the basics are always— a big glass of water first thing (replenish and ye shall be rewarded, honeyyy), wash my face and follow that up with some SPF with moisturizer, a lil concealer under the eyes, slick on some waterproof mascara (I’m a Pisces, so waterproof always in case I need to cry), spritz some curl revitalizer on my hair, followed by a good head bang for volume, and Aquaphor the lips. Beauty is boring.
Best repellent for street creeps?
Lainey: Being a soft butch dyke.
Klay: Flatulence.
Dani: A loud ass mouth.
What games do you like to play?
Lainey: Blockdoku and Magic the Gathering… find me, let’s play! — Lainey Haha.
Klay: I’m a retired Dungeons and Dragons Druid.
Dani: Dominos. What y’all know about chicken foot?! As a general rule, I like pretty much any game you can find in a nursing home common area. And if you start winning, then I don’t wanna play no more.
Where and when is your next concert?
5/27 @ Gas Hill Drinking Room in Winston Salem
5/28 @ Fleetwood’s in Asheville
7/9 @ The Raleigh Rose Garden (more info TBA)
Follow us on Instagram for more upcoming shows and hilarious content— Pie Face Girls