Let’s Talk 10: Jessica Haynes

Illustration by Kiara Sanders

Illustration by Kiara Sanders

Mastermind behind Alice Rise, Jessica Haynes, gets deep with us. Read her thoughts and check out her hypnotizing accessories:

Favorite gem?

I don’t really get excited about gemstones for the most part, but I love finding some good rocks on the beach. I love how geology shifts so dramatically from place to place.

What makes you cringe?

People driving recklessly on the highway. Longtime old lady at heart here. 

3 things you cannot leave your house without?

Chapstick, sunscreen, and... maybe a bottle of water? I guess I don't like to tote a whole lot around.

Favorite creative?

Ooh, there are so many! I love Sarah Perez of Electric Sun Creatives, also Hadiya Williams of Black Pepper Paperie Co. Favorite local creative at the moment is Lindsay Perry of Full Flower Herbs – in being an herbalist she seems like she’s exactly where she’s meant to be on this planet, which is something I wish for all of us. And her Happy Liver formula is a daily essential for me! I recently discovered John McKie’s very strange paintings and am pretty hooked on them.

Advice to the Royal family?

I’m not sure I should really be giving advice to anyone. I think we should all feel free to be a little crazy and make unique messes of our own lives. Plus I don’t really keep up with them so it would be hard for me to comment here.

Any regrets?

All the things I didn’t do in my 20s and 30s. You can do a lot of cool things on paper but still miss out on what your heart is really calling for – more time being silly and just having fun with friends (simply having more friends would have been great for that matter), listening harder to that still small voice within. I think that voice probably just wants to go get some ice cream and let myself feel good about who I am. Spend more time laughing about life with people I trust. At 41 I'm starting to understand that our time here really is limited. You don't get back the time you waste.

What gets you through the day?

Coffee, quite often a phone call with my mom, and my amazing soon-to-be husband Steven. I know this is weird but when things get really stressful I’ve discovered that if I drop everything for 20 minutes and give my dog a fresh haircut I almost always feel better. 

What book have you read more than one time?

The Fifth Sacred Thing by Starhawk. That book showed me that a different world was possible.

New hobby/activity developed during Covid shut down?

I wish I had a better answer, but all I can come up with is pizza eating and bed yoga. The first is self-explanatory; the latter is this guided app where you wake up and start doing “yoga” right from bed. I tried a lot of different at-home exercise ideas when I stopped going to the gym…none of them really stuck but this was definitely the funniest. 

What’s love?

Ahhh, the best question for last! I think love is forgetting yourself because it feels more important to care about someone or something else. It's the whole point. It's everything.

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