Let’s Talk 10: Djamila Bakour

Djamila, dreaming up something delicious to bakeIllustration by Kiara Sanders

Djamila, dreaming up something delicious to bake

Illustration by Kiara Sanders

There’s a cake for every occasion at La Recette Pâtisserie, and behind every delectable dessert, is eclair extraordinaire, Djamila Bakour. A seasoned pastry chef, Djamila is literally at home when whipping up her edible fine art, and is dedicated to delivering the confectionery world of French pastry to a celebration near you.

We asked Djamila:

What’s one ingredient you put in everything? Can I pick two? Love and butter!

One skill you'd love to acquire? I would love to master calligraphy. I love how the pen can flow and the flourish reminds me of how life can be messy and beautiful at the same time.

What do you consider humanity's greatest achievement? Too many to pick just one…maybe walking on the moon.

Favorite book? The Great Gatsby.

What makes you happy? It's easy to lose hope and become unhappy, especially during this time, but; I find happiness in the little things and focus on the good. Also, what makes me extremely happy in life, is praying, random acts of kindness, hearing the joy of my loved ones, my husband's smile, quality time with my friends and family, a warm cup of coffee, deep conversations, sunset & sunrise, traveling, exploring and learning new things.

Where is your dream vacation? My dream vacation is staying in an overwater bungalow in Bora Bora.

What one thing should people know about where you were born? I was born in Tlemcen, in Northern Algeria, and it's the second largest city there. Tlemcen has a rich history and diversity in music and art. In 2011, Tlemcen was declared as the capital of islamic culture!

Which is your favorite holiday? Eid Al fitr, also called the "Festive of Breaking the Fast.'' It's a religious holiday celebrated at the end of the month of Ramadan.  My favorite part of Eid is the morning prayer at the mosque & seeing all the community come together to celebrate this joyful holiday.

What about your favorite dessert? With a cake business, I get asked this question a lot and it's hard for me to pick just one. I’ll say my favorite is classic two-layered Victoria sponge cake filled with: strawberry jam, fresh strawberries, and whipped cream. 

What is love? Love is vulnerability, love is action, love is caring, love is gratitude, and love is sharing food! 

marble fondant buttercream cake

Marble Fondant Flower Cake

vanilla spongecake and mocha buttercream filling


Cornelio Campos


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