Let’s Talk 10: Danielle James

Illustration by Kiara Sanders

Danielle James, maestro behind Dj Neon, lights up March for us:

What gets you up in the morning? Bending glass tubes into illuminated spaghetti....and my student loan debt.

Fictional character you identify with the most? Ursula from The Little Mermaid. It was my fave Disney movie as a kid. Her character was based on Divine of Pink Flamingos (1972) fame. I always loved her outfits and her electric eel posse.

Favorite hip hop song? The Coup are an American communist hip hop band from Oakland, CA. I love them. Their song "Saturday Night" is my go to hype up song.

Can you run in heels? Hell no.

Favorite book? Blue Highways by William Least Heat-Moon. It is a road trip novel written in the 80s by not a white man. It's a great look back on van life before the internet, with some philosophy mixed in.

What would be the worst thing for the government to make illegal? Queer folks. Looking at you Texas!

Disgraced celebrity whose work you cannot help but admire? I don't know if he was ever really a celebrity, but I really like some of the illustrator R.Crumb's artwork. He was an underground comic illustrator in the 80s till now. He is known for depicting the vulgarity of the world around him, and also Fritz the Cat. I love his drawing style and SOME of his illustrations of women.

As a curvy lady with hairy legs who loves chunky shoes, I felt represented when I first saw his work. His women feel powerful and sexy, while not the typical version of sexy I was used to seeing as a teenager. Now older, I’ve learned that he also uses hurtful stereotypes of people of color, and has often depicted anti-Semitism, rape and incest. I do not believe in regurgitating the same racist stereotypes (even for satire) that have been around for over 200 years. His women interest me because they break stereotypes. But I am also aware that most of the time they are being fetishized. So it's a conflicted appreciation at best.

What movie would be greatly improved if it was made into a musical? I think the Godzilla franchise is sacred. However... a Godzilla musical is something I would totally be first in line to see.

Drums or guitar? Guitar. AIR Guitar.

What’s love? Love is hanging on the couch watching bad movies with my partner and my dog Vinny.

Electric Art:


Matt Kelly


Hanna Bochenko