Let’s Talk 10: Brenda
Illustration by Kiara Sanders
Roses are red, violets are blue, here’s Brenda to kick Spring off for you!
What makes an event unforgettable? It probably isn't the glitz, the glam. Even a packed house or engaged audience isn’t quite it. For me, an event is unforgettable when someone approaches after the show and tells me that their experience made them feel at home, seen, or celebrated in some way that they haven’t felt in a long time. As queer people, we know the power those spaces hold, and to be able to create that community for others is a privilege. That, and if I can locate a really hot, straight man in the audience. For a jokester that feeds off the crowd, that’s a goldmine!
What makes an outfit jaw dropping? I think an outfit is exceptional when you can tell how it makes the person wearing it feel. For drag entertainers, you can see it in their confidence and stage presence when what they're wearing makes them feel incredible, and lets other people know who they are, no matter how bold, bright, or ballsy that might be.
Whose hairstyle is on your mind? Sharon Stone, always. I love short hair that frames your face on the sides and has lots of body on top. I’ve always been dazzled by badass, rule-breaking women - and so many on my list have short, fierce hair. From Ursula to Grace Jones to Dame Judi Dench. My first ever piece of drag hair was this short little number with a fierce bang. Big hair is fabulous, and as a larger bodied entertainer, it does me lots of favors in terms of proportions. But short hair will always have my heart. It’s also the easiest hair to pop on if you might find yourself aggressively consuming food at any point.
Wildest childhood experience? There are several that come to mind but one that just seems to fit here is a tale from my elementary school Scholastic book fair. Y’all remember. They were always lit. Well, they couldn’t find a willing adult to dress up as Clifford The Big Red Dog and walk around the fair. As the only 5th grader tall enough to fit the adult sized suit, I was volun-told. I had to throw away any clothing I wore underneath the suit because the red hair became a permanent fixture on anything it touched. That suit was as hot as the seventh ring of Hades and smelled like an adolescent sweat sock. Humble beginnings, my friends.
Whose art do you admire? Jenna Rice - a visionary muralist in Greensboro and beyond. I’m completely biased. She is the genius behind the mural of me in downtown Greensboro at The Bearded Goat. In my defense, watching her work is mind bending and awe inspiring. What she is able to do with basic spray paint is wildly incredible - the shading, the blending, the masterful coverage. Sounds a lot like drag makeup, eh?
If you had a magic wand what would be your first wish? I would give myself the power to ease people’s pain, and not that pain that is inflicted physically. As a comedienne and entertainer, I understand that a hallmark of so many fabulous people is the role their glamour and humor play in coping with their own, often hidden, trauma. People always say check on your strong friends. Similarly, check on your funniest friends. Look up some of the studies that followed the suicide of Robin Williams. Don’t think I’m naturally that selfless of a person. When I initially read this question, my first thoughts were asking for the power to instantaneously manifest burritos, or the ability to immediately grow or remove body hair - a furry drag queen’s dream.
Favorite reality TV star? Without a doubt Tiffany “New York” Pollard, made famous by her appearances on both seasons of iconic hype man Flava Flav’s dating series, Flavor of Love. She doesn’t give a single thought to what other people think, and while not only being hysterical, this queen taught me a lot about loving myself.
Book you have read more than once? “Are You There Vodka? It’s Me, Chelsea” by Chelsea Handler. It got to the point where I couldn’t read this in public because I would quite literally howl with laughter at least I once every few pages. I recall a particular incident in the waiting room of a dentist’s office. I think my outburst scared one older woman to the point of crapping her pants.
I am sick and tired of Taco Bell taking everyone’s favorite items off of their menu. I’ve had a love affair with Taco Bell since I was in my single digit years, and they have a lot of nerve playing with my emotions like this.
What’s love? Free, unconditional, and just as important to give yourself as it is to give to others.