Jaguar Perry

Photo by Rodrigo Dorfman

Photo by Rodrigo Dorfman

Muralist, musician, multitalented artist, Jaguar Perry, released his new song Maga:

If Maga was a letter to whom would you send it?

If Maga was a letter it would be a Public Service Announcement, it would get sent to every American, like the census, and would probably get ignored just the same haha!

First single from Black Billies X Concrete Dojos by Jaguar Perry and OG Senpaiii. Click on the image to listen.

First single from Black Billies X Concrete Dojos by Jaguar Perry and OG Senpaiii.

Click on the image to listen.

What gets you up in the morning?

The future excites me! The boundless possibilities and guarantees of change in the world around me. Some mornings I wake up less enthused than others but I look at every day like an adventure. If you have the right eye you can always find treasure.

Jaguar Perry

If you had to choose: painting or music?

I have been asked that before by myself and others and I honestly don’t know the honest answer. However, I see painting and visual art as a "God Given" talent- something that I was born with; music has always been a passion and a craft that I have pursued over time. Both are integral forms of expression for me to exist within my own balance. The other answer would be painting, because I see more generational value in it.

Jaguar Perry 1.jpeg

You often paint women as nature's predators- are you scared?

Hahaha! If you aren't then you’re a fool! In the animal kingdom females are commonly larger and more fierce than males. There is reverence and a sense of awe we have when faced with such powerful and majestic creatures. Some people fear them. Others stick their heads in the lion’s mouth.

The Werewoman 56X34 oil on canvas.

The Werewoman 56X34 oil on canvas.

What is fun for you?

Going out and being social, live music, eating and drinking. Playing video games (Pokemon on the Switch) and just hanging out with my family on Lazy Sundays.

Mural, in collaboration with artist Kiara Sanders, Bull McCabe’s Irish Pub, Durham, NC.

Mural, in collaboration with artist Kiara Sanders, Bull McCabe’s Irish Pub, Durham, NC.

How can we buy your art?

Site’s still under construction, but the shop is always open:


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