Chris Powers

Animation by Sarah Yu

Yes, we are fascinated with skateboarders! But who isn’t?? We caught up with Chris Powers, a frequent flyer on Zorah Olivia’s photo reel:

If someone wrote a book about you what would be the title?  

Chasing Dreams.

If you could meet anyone in the world today, who would it be?

Elon Musk. Elon Musk is a great inspiration for anyone trying to pursue their dreams. 

How many times has your heart been broken?

Once. While skateboarding, I broke both my ulna and radius in half. I had to have surgery and they had to put several plates and screws in. I wasn’t able to skate for quite some time. 

What movie makes you laugh even after watching the fifth time?

Pineapple Express.

Do you have personal injury insurance?


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