Brandon McCrimmon
Illustration by Emile Kimbneni
Raleigh Rockers’ breakdancing star, Brandon McCrimmon, told us:
What are you thinking about when you are spinning on your head?
When I'm spinning on my head I'm thinking to myself why are you doing this again bro, you know your hair is already thinning out at the top lol.
Most of the time I'm thinking about the next move I will be transitioning into so I can complete my movement on the floor without crashing or injuring myself.
How do you describe your breakdancing style?
I describe my breaking (breakdancing) style as infinite. I throw a mix of everything- while being very direct with my energy no matter what. Coming up in my dance community I always knew my movement was a little different, but I’ve stayed grounded in the way I wanted to move on the floor. Now I'm considered a veteran and one of the best to come out of NC. I’m continuing to push myself to the next level with the main goal of inspiring and motivating the ones around me.
Is it possible to break (breakdance) in high heels?
Yes, I’ve seen a few people break in high heels so it is definitely possible. I wouldn't recommend it though. lol
What was highlight of your 2021 so far?
The highlight of my 2021 so far has been building up my credit score. After setting the goal last year around this time I am now a couple points shy of 800! I don't know exactly what I will do with it just yet but I know it will payoff in the long run.
What's your current state of mind?
My current state of mind is peace. I deeply root myself in staying consistent on keeping peace of mind daily. My favorite saying is "Water your root." The root is you, and if you don't learn to water yourself you won't grow. In other words love yourself. So many great things come from self-love, but it’s all up to you to take the time to do so.